Saturday, June 6, 2015

 Principles of Design
and Element of Art - Plant Life






Friday, June 5, 2015

 Elements of Art - Plant Life
Darin Chamberlain
                                                     Taken in my backyard.

             Taken behind my house through a fence

                                Taken in my backyard garden.

  Taken behind my house overlooking Fremont.

Taken at Ohlone College

Taken at Ohlone College

Thursday, January 22, 2015

1. my favorite photo from this slideshow is number 7 because the contrast of the different colors is very vibrant. I also like how many colors there are and how it shows the different types of colors. Another thing is how the person is centered in the photo while the other color bubbles are surrounding him.
2. The best photo out of the nine different photos is number 9. The reason i think it is the best is because it shows how wild life is portrayed. Another reason i think this is the best photo is because it probably took a long time to take since taking a photo of an animal while you are unseen is hard to do. My last thing is probably the lighting and how well the animal is depicted.

3. My best work is this just because the lighting is so well depicted and the lens flare is shown onto the statue. Another thing i love about it is the simplicity all i changed from this photo is the contrast of colors and the lighting and lens flare. If i was to change anything from this photo id probably change the amount of lighting i added it seems a little to unrealistic to be an actual photo.

4.  Simplicity, depth, lighting

5. I chose this picture because i believe that the amount of depth and lighting in the photo is absolutely  perfect and i don't think i could have made a better photo than this. ------->

6. One of the rules of composition that you had was the depth of field. I also agree that this is a very important rule and that is why i added it as one of my own.

7. Some of the benefits of working with a group are, one you can easily get help if you need it, 2 you can also help others if they need it, 3 you can get a different view on the photos you take, 4 the more people working the less work each person has to do themselves, and 5 you can get to know the people around you better.

8. There are a lot of downsides in working with groups,
 #1 You have to rely on one another to finish their work.
 #2 You have to work hard to not let your group members down (can be a good thing)
 #3 There could be tension in working with your group members, for example if you disagree on something
 #4 the idea that maybe you do not like someone in your group and you just want them to fail
  #5 There could be that one member in your group that does no work at all.

9. This probably my favorite. Even though it is someone in my group it doesn't matter I believe that this photo deserves a lot just because the amount of contrast and since the lighting is perfect. This
which is Jason Yu's photo

10. The person I chose was a man named Oscar Barnack I chose him because i liked his style of black and white.

11. Dorothea Lange's most famous photo is the photo of the migrant mother hold her two children. She was employed by the FSA or the federal farm security administration.

12. The creator of Life Magazine was Henry Luce.  March 1st, 1967

13.Robert Capa was a founding member of Magnum Photography it was founded in 1967

14. He took this photo in Vietnam during the Vietnam war. Which was around mid 1940s to early 1950s

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

I chose this artist because the idea of black and white photos really inspires me because we don't need color to make something look good. It changed from thinking that black and white isn't so interesting but look into it more i realized that its very photogenic and very fun to do. This photographer that we chose made a black and white camera and only does black and white photos. His name was Oscar Barnack and he was born in the late 1870s in Germany.